Get Carbi.
Carbi helps you calculate the amount of insulin you need to inject when eating or correcting your blood sugars. By doing the heavy lifting, Carbi can help you calculate more accurate insulin doses to keep your blood sugars stable, helping to avoid hypos and high blood sugars after meals.
Designed for people Type 1 Diabetes. Available on the Play Store soon.
Get your insulin dose right.
Carbi makes maths at mealtimes easier.
Calculate carbs alone
Enter the number of carbs you're about to eat, and optionally your current blood glucose. Carbi works out how much insulin you need.
Correct without food
Blood sugars high between meals? Carbi lets you know how much insulin you need to get back down to your target.
Adjust your ratios
Carbi is fully adjustable to your diabetes. Change your carbs:insulin ratio, your correction factor, and your target blood glucose level.
Coming soon to iOS
Development is underway for an iOS version of Carbi. Watch this space...
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